OK, so the idea in my head was way cuter then the end result...A coworker suggested using cake when she saw me trying to make a mock up with paper.
Easy enough right? Cut out the squares & stack them, then cut out a couple of triangles for the roof, frost & use gumdrops for shutters. Not so easy...We also thought brownies would be a better idea than cake. So, the brownies were made & cut, I had the gumdrops cut in half & was ready to assemble when I decided I'd better wait b/c how would this do on the drive over to her house?
It did not go so smooth, literally & I had brownie coming off into the frosting, then it started to slide, we used toothpicks in the roof to keep those together & then took a wooden kabob, broke in half & used at the back to keep it from sliding...It worked, and looked like a cute homemade birthday cake that Mom would have made when I was a kid! I felt like a real heal! Especially after watching Aces of Cakes on teh Food Network yestserday. Hello Fondant - why didn't I think of using that!? Guess it was so last minute & with the snowstorm that came in Saturday morning, I'd of not been able to go get it very easy anyways. But, I would have figured out a way to go get it had I thought of it at the time!!

Anyways, this morning my friend & I are emailing and she was thanking me & said it was cute, but she was thinking we could have piped the frosting on. HELLO - I didn't even think of that & wish she'd of spoken up at the time & said "Hey, genius, why don't you..." Oh well, we live & learn! I will for sure be practicing for my son's treasure chest cake to go with his pirate themed birthday party in Sept! no way I'm waiting until the last minute & having it not work out right!
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