A team of nutritional researchers from southern California have completed a five year study that shows people who consume more antioxidants appear to age at a 47 percent slower rate than those who don't.
"Antioxidants slow the rate at which cells divide," says nutrition expert and director of Allmera Nutraceuticals Ron Slavick. "The faster your cells divide due to diet, stress or pollution, the faster you will age."
This is why Slavick has kept his team focused on a product called Proleva. Proleva is a capsule formulated by a team of scientists in Seattle Washington that you take once a day to give your body the extra antioxidants you need to restore your health, vitality and youthful appearance.
A single dose of Proleva contains the antioxidants found in eight of the most powerful superfruits, antioxidants that have been shown to increase eye sight, improve your immune system, support your cardiovascular health, boost short term memory, increase brain function and return the youthful glow to your skin and hair
After 2 to 3 months, nearly all Proleva customers report more energy, healthier-looking skin, deeper sleep, less sick time and better short-term memory. The reason is believed that their body is finally getting the antioxidants they need to balance the effects of poor diet, stress and pollution.
Dr. Laurence Meyerson, a professor at New York University School of Medicine, agrees. "It is likely that the components of Proleva's unique formulation may very well produce additive or even synergistic biological effects in the body." Meyerson says.
It is well known that people don't consume enough antioxidants. In fact a 2008 dietary survey shows that on average Americans receive less than 25% of their recommended antioxidants intake each day. This dietary shortcoming is a major contributor to poor health, lack of energy, weakened brain function and accelerated aging.
Wellness consultant Sonja Hawley agrees. "If you want to feel healthy and look younger, you must start by healing your body from the inside." Hawley continues "Proleva gives my clients the nutrients found in eight of the most powerful superfruits for less than a cup of coffee each day."
If you want to try this amazing product for yourself you can order a 10-day trial of Proleva online by visiting www.Proleva.com The company has advised that these free samples won't last long so order yours today, it only takes about 1 to 2 minutes to submit your address and billing information.
Sponsored content provided by ARALifestyle. Copyright © ARAnet, Inc.
I thought why not see what foods are high in antioxidants though rather than getting sucked into another scam (as I did with the Colon Cleanse & Acaii Berry pills) and end up fighting charges with my bank and having to get a new debit card! So after I googled foods high in fiber, I wound up here:
There are numerous choices for antioxidant-rich foods, but which ones are really the best? The USDA tested over 100 foods from all categories and developed an authoritative list of the top 20:
The Top 20 Foods Highest In Antioxidants
small red beans
wild blueberries
red kidney beans
pinto beans
cultivated blueberries
red delicious apples
Granny Smith apples
sweet cherries
black plums
russet potatoes
black beans
gala apples
Don't like any foods on the list? Not to worry. The American Dietetic Association has jumped on the band wagon with their comprehensive guide to foods highest in antioxidants arranged by food groups:
Read more at Suite101: Top 20 Foods High In Antioxidants: Many Food Choices Remove Free Radicals and Promote Good Health http://vitamins-minerals.suite101.com/article.cfm/top_20_foods_high_in_antioxidants#ixzz0dBjgspIR
Seems that I will be uping my berry & bean intake!
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