Tuesday, April 5, 2022

I'm always trying to force things...

This morning I was trying to pull the lid off a cup and couldn't figure out WHY it was so hard!  I kept pulling and turning the cup, using a different hand to try again.

Then I realized, it doesn't PULL, it screws on and off.  And it hit me, I was tying to force it as I do so many things in life.  

I remembered when my then in our life step daughter was in our life, but had been mad at us & not spoken to us for I don't know now, maybe 2 months?  I went & got a Starbucks drink & a piece of pumpkin bread and went extending the olive branch.  I was FORCING the forgiveness & I wasn't leaving until she'd heard my apology and we had worked through things.  It worked.

Forcing things seems to be my "thing" my way of dealing with things.

Right now my husband and I are in a rough patch with money & me giving money to my son.  I HATE confrontation, arguments of any kind & can't stand it when someone is mad at me!  I will keep on trying to talk...keep sending funny things, or trying to start a conversation about something - anything!  Dinner, work, whatever.  Anything to force the forgiveness & get the conversation started.

I need to stop forcing the lids in my life and let things be what they are. I just wanted to share that analogy I had this morning as it was very eye opening for me. 

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