Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How would I describe myself?

Holly =
fUn - haPPy - EneRgeTIc - BubBLy - CRaZy - cOOky - cReaTive
loVeR of LiFE - LOUD - hYpER - tAlKAtiVe - sIlLy - quIrKy

I so love where I'm at!  I love who I am, my husband, my son, our cats & this life that we have built!  OK, so a money tree would be the icing on the cake, but I'm OK without it too!

I have so many great friendships & I don't know where I would be without my girlfriends!  Old and the new that keep coming along in life...You ladies rock!  You keep me smiling, happy & motivated to become a better Mom, wife and woman!

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