Wednesday, March 27, 2013

May you find peace and happiness

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
I pray that you find peace, that you are able to close the doors behind you and just look forward.  Leave the hate behind and let your heart heal.  You can't change people and change the wrongs that have been done to  you.  You also have to accept the wrongs that you have done and take responsibility for the actions you have done.  I only wish the best for you in life, and that you can find happiness in your heart, REAL HAPPINESS.  Let go of the hate, negativity and anger.  As I keep telling my son, we never wish ill will on anyone, we only wish that they get the help that they need and are able to find happiness. 
No one can find that happiness for you, you've gotta dig deep and find it within yourself! 


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